• Rasto Kmet If you will expect less and give more, if you change anger and fear for smile, miracles will become your life.
    I'm a professional life and career coach, motivator and mentor.

Motivation, success and personal development coaching

Home  >>  Motivation, success and personal development coaching

Joy is all around us… I will show you how to see it…
…sadness of people stems from fear of searching for joy. A child doesn’t fear to search and explore, but an adult acquires this irrational fear with age. When I learned to overcome this fear, my life turned around into a beautiful reality without limits…
… knowledge, which I acquired taught me how to be happy and time flows differently since. I actually feel that I made my life longer by 50 years. If you are ready for a change, I will help you achieve a new, better life…
Rasto Kmet
– personal development
– career
– leadership
and self improvement coach


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